Sunday, August 25, 2013

Choices and Decisions

Avast Me Hardies,

I bring news forth…as you know, I have been battling battered women’s syndrome for over 20 years…last week it became very serious…my heart went into hypertrophy…this was very painful…I went to Florida Hospital of Wesley Chapel and was admitted…this is an amazing hospital…they ran many tests, the staff was polite and respectful…though I could not eat much- the food was to die for…I felt safe in Their care…these events are brought forth from damage to my brainstem…I have been for my recheck- I am healthy and have doctor okay to return to m kayak

To make my family happy…I need to find a teammate…they are worried if I am on the water and an event happens, I may not make it back to shore…I am physically fit to perform the task ahead, but I have a brain stem that likes to have fun with me…though they have begged for this- I now have to agree…safety must be a priority at all times…a second paddler could only be a good thing…help would be a great thing...looking for 3 different people

What do they need to do???

I need someone who will paddle with me 2-3 days a week…on the off days be willing to work out until we launch…we will launch on the Atlantic Coast Paddle on April 20, 2015…it will take minimum of 40 days…I am willing to do tandem or two singles…this person needs to live in Florida

I have to have someone manage the Paddle…up until now I have done it all, but really need some help…it has gotten to be too much for just one person…this person must be organized and not mind dealing with different states…this person can live anywhere as most of this would be phone or internet work

A person to handle media along the even route would be a Godsend too…as this is a phone and internet job- this person too could be most anywhere too


I am back on the water…like any good pirate the salt calls to the blood in me veins…it is where I feel whole and recharged- the peace, the animals, the fresh air…It is my wish for others to see how special it is…I am requesting help if you know of anyone, please let me know…

Your Girly Pirate,




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